Savoring the Truth of God’s Word

There’s so much I carry in my head. Most of it would seem useless to many people. But I can tell you exactly which stores have two seats in the cart and how prices of diapers on Amazon compare to prices at Costco. I remember my son’s fire truck pajamas need to be washed because otherwise the tears will flow at bedtime. And, not that you’d ever want to know this, but I could tell you the last time each one of my three kids pooped.

Somehow over the years the practice of memorizing Scripture has been pushed aside in my brain to make room for remembering where my twins’ shoes are or that I need to take the meat out of the freezer in time for dinner. But a couple year ago, a few friends and I slowly memorized Romans 8, and it was nothing short of life-changing—especially during the most wearying days of motherhood.

I tried to at least read through the chapter everyday (many days I failed at this), and when I could steal away for longer I practiced memorizing one phrase at a time. There’s a richness that develops when we dwell on a passage for awhile, like a good beef stew. You spend a few minutes adding carrots and potatoes and beef to a pot, and maybe it’d taste okay after a half hour. But how much better it is when it simmers all day long! There’s depth and flavor and beauty that can only happen with time (yes, the Instapot ruins my analogy).

It’s been like that for me with this passage. I’ve glossed over sentences in the past that I now savor and cling to daily. The words return to my mind after I’ve lost my patience, when I feel at a loss with how to discipline, or I’m anxious about how I’m messing up my kids.

Tucked away amongst the cache of information that comes with parenting young children are phrases like, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (v. 1) and “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us” (v. 18) and “the Spirit helps us in our weakness” (v. 26) and “nothing can separate me from the love of God in Christ Jesus” (v. 39).

God’s words remind me I can walk through hard days with joy and rest in the finished work of Christ.

Maybe there’s only so much we can remember, and maybe as we memorize Scripture a few other things will be forgotten. But even if we forget to order diapers or where we left our phone, may the truth of God’s Word sink in so deeply that we cannot forget it.

This post was originally published at (in)courage.

Sarah Hauser

I'm a wife, mom, writer, and speaker sharing biblical truth to nourish your souls–and the occasional recipe to nourish the body.

The LORD Keeps Us


Remembering God